Daily Guide 17.05.2014 Home / Columnist / Nigeria’s Incompetence Is Putting The Future Of Africa At Risk Nigeria’s Incompetence Is Putting The Future Of Africa At Risk May 17, 2014 It Is a well-known precept in geopolitics that a country does not have “permanent friends”, but “permanent interests.” Nigeria may be neither a permanent friend …
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Permanent link to this article: https://cameronduodu.com/uncategorized/all-hail-brilliant-britannia
Dec 02
Sarkozy’s new Africa policy may have been a disquieting change in course for Africans, yet not a surprise to them. Many Africans were wary of Sarkozy before he took office. As Interior Minister, a job he held twice under President Chirac, Sarkozy was well known for his no-nonsense law-and-order views. At Interior, Sarkozy made remarks that raised flags about his sensitivity toward France’s minorities, particularly those with origins in Africa, either the Maghreb or sub-Saharan Africa. In June 2005, after the killing of a young boy in a troubled Paris suburb with a high number of minorities, Sarkozy said he would clean the area out “with a Karcher,” referring to a German high-pressure, water-hose cleaner. At the time of the November 2005 riots in France, Sarkozy described the rioters as “voyous” (thugs) and “racaille” (scum, rabble), the latter term generating strong critical responses from France’s minorities and from others worried about their Interior Minister’s (and possible next President’s) views on ethnic issues.
Permanent link to this article: https://cameronduodu.com/uncategorized/wikileaks-sarkozy-and-africa
Aug 07
August 7, 2012
ALL HAIL BRILLIANT BRITANNIA By CAMERON DUODU When London was chosen – on 6 July 2005 – to stage the Olympic Games in 2012, not a few people thought the Games were going to the wrong city. The Olympic Games are meant to demonstrate that despite differences in race and culture, the human …
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